As an account manager at a Marketing agency or department, you’re someone who works day in, day out with clients.
From the client end, there are things that they will expect and ways they should be treated. Do you know the best practices for managing your clients and accounts? These are the rules that mbudo lives by, so read our top 5 tips if you want to improve the client experience at your own agency!
Handbook for Marketing Account Managers
1. An account manager has a consistent and professional image
Establish a consistent image and manner of communication across email, LinkedIn, Basecamp, and your company profile or bio. Use the same photo across platforms. Have a corporate email signature, and end always your emails in a similar manner.
You want your clients to become familiar with your way or working, and to know what they can expect from you. The company-client relationship is all about building trust!
2. An account manager lets clients know they're listening
Make sure to follow up with clients in a timely manner, even just to acknowledge that you saw what they sent you and will respond in more detail later. However, never respond too hastily if you’re not sure of an answer or have to ask a supervisor for more details. A quick message like, “I’ve seen what you’ve sent me and I’ll get back to you soon with more details” will work wonders.
3. An account manager comes across as an expert
Everything that you’re involved in should convey the fact that you’re an expert. Double check what you’re sending in terms of content, spelling, design, etc. It must be up to your standards as an expert and the standards that your Marketing agency promises.
Customers are very quick to realize when you’re not doing your best work and will call you out on it. Save yourself the bad feedback and ensure that yourself and your team are doing the highest quality work… Every. Single. Time.
4. An account manager communicates delays
If you’re behind schedule, let your clients know as early as possible so they can adjust their own timelines. Usually there is a chain of command that should be notified. As the agency, you are at one end of the chain, with the decision-maker all the way at the other end. It’s easy to see how timelines can get pushed back.
If you’re sick, going on a break, or even taking vacation, make sure to notify your clients and provide a backup. Always set an away message in your email with those details, too.
5. An account manager offers solutions, never problems
One of our mottos at mbudo is to offer solutions, never problems. Your customer is looking to you to ease their day-to-day, not to add more to their list of things to do. If you don’t know something, find it out. If you can’t do something in a certain way, offer an alternative. Making your clients happy, especially a particularly tough or demanding client, will make you appreciate all the hard work you put in! Read more about this approach to customer-centric approach.
How account managers handle their clients can make or break a Marketing agency or department. A customer always remembers how you made them feel, and if you take these 5 best practices into consideration, your agency-client relationship will improve dramatically. Not only that, you'll retain your current clients, which as every Marketer knows is more cost-effective than attracting new clients.
Client treatment is part of the mbudo method. Learn what Inbound Marketing Agency in Madrid is all about by downloading the free ebook below. If you're considering outsourcing your Marketing to the experts, get in contact with mbudo today!

Mary Swick
Mary is a professional copywriter with over 10 years of experience in Marketing and Advertising. As an American expat in Madrid, she enjoys the relaxed Spanish culture, hiking, and the latest shows from Netflix and HBO. Mary also loves cats and music (she's the office DJ!)
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